Tantric Sessions

Aries Raven - sensual black woman in lingerie preparing for tantric sessions

Sensual Touch & Intimacy Coaching

Welcome to my tantric sessions virtual home. Allow me to offer you a peek into how you can benefit from my sensual touch and intimacy coaching sessions.

My name is Aries and I’m a tantric practitioner & yoga teacher, sensual domme, intimacy coach, and pleasure guide. I am based in Austin, Texas.

I help my clients experience more body-mind aliveness through the exploration of neotantric practices. My intention is for us to invite transformational awareness through tantric erotic empowerment!

Let’s invite the gift of a connected, body awakening, soul-cleansing, mind & body healing sensual touch…

Experience the transformative power of a tantalizing sensual massage that will re-energize and recharge your body.

Envision my loving hands working their way over your body, enticing your senses as you drift into ecstasy and surrender in the most exquisite way.

With the guidance of Taoist Tantra Techniques, you can learn how to move sexual energy through your body, extend arousal, and experience a full-body orgasm.

During our sensual touch and intimacy coaching session, which can inlude kink and fantasy play, you will explore the depths of pleasure and discover a world of passion, bringing you to the place of peace and refuge you’ve been yearning for. I will teach you how to learn to harness your erotic energy to serve your growth and transformation.

tantric sessions - sensual black woman in lingerie massaging her breast

In-person Sessions

Indulge in the transformative power of full body tantric sensual touch and intimacy coaching with a trained and experienced tantra & yoga teacher. Experience deep connection, heightened pleasure, and profound intimacy.

With you in mind, I have curated a choice of enticing offerings for your in-person tantric sensual touch and intimacy coaching adventure.

Online & Virtual Offerings

Face to face video sessions via zoom; this can include coaching, facilitation, guidance, play, or supporting you in a relational connection between you and me. Sessions can also be on the phone/audio-only if needed.

Explore my online intimacy coaching sessions.

Already know what you want?

Embrace your desire!

When was the last time you were so vividly aware of your body and sensations that you felt truly sexually alive?

When has your mind and body been lit up by pure pleasure without hesitation, fear, or doubt?

When have you surrendered to immersive sensation?

Or simply given yourself the gift of relaxation and receiving?


What lights you up?

Do you believe that you deserve to feel good, alive, worthy of love and passion?

Most of us secretly and desperately want to let our fiery passion burn fiercely, to merge body & mind in abject surrender; to feel fully human… again.

Yet many of us are also overwhelmed with shame, guilt, doubt, floundering in indecision…as we choose to shrink just a little smaller everyday.

I will help you change that!

Black woman demonstrating tantric sensual touch and intimacy coaching

What Is Tantric Massage?


As a modality that informs sensual touch and intimacy coaching, tantric massage is known for invoking erotic energy, although it doesn’t need to involve the act of sex itself.

The primary objective of a tantric massage is to move towards mind-body-spirit harmony. It typically involves conscious breath work, meditation, and mindfulness elements which can be but are not always sexual.

This type of massage can benefit both men and women. Depending on the practitioner, tantric massage can be full body or centrally focused.

For men, tantric massage can include massaging the lingam which can increase circulation and therefore stamina. It can also be great for edging, or delaying orgasm.

For women, yoni massage can help relieve tension in the pelvic area, as well as expand ability to have full body orgasms.


You can learn more about benefits of tantric massage in this article on Business Insider. 

Curious about a session? 

Black woman demonstrating tantric sensual touch and intimacy coaching

Session customized just for you!

Let’s design a session for you based on your unique intentions and desires. This type of tantric practice session may include:

  • learning how to welcome more pleasure in your body
  • expanding your capacity to give and receive touch
  • exploring conscious kink, which can include some favorite toys
  • practicing effective communication skills to help you feel more empowered in and out of the bedroom
  • learning how to create sexual polarity with your partner to re-ignite passion in your sex life

About Aries

Tantric Sensual Touch and Intimacy Coaching Provider, Austin Texas

My name is Aries; born and raised in East Africa, the US has been my home over the last 20 years.

I have over a decade of training and experience working as a tantra practitioner, intimacy and sexuality coach, yoga instructor and relational awareness facilitator.

What clients have to say...

“You inspire me in a lot of ways, such as the freedoms that I feel from you when I talk with you or especially when I see you. You don’t operate on the same plane as others”

Andrew K.

“Thank you so much for everything. I feel deeply satisfied and relaxed. Can’t wait to see you again soon!”

Diamond P.

“My wife and I were unsure how to go about finding the right tantra guide for our tantric sensual touch and intimacy coaching journey. We instinctively trusted Aries and we did not regret it. We’ve been seeing her for 8 months now and she has helped us learn new ways to communicate, touch and reignite our sexual connection. Thank you Aries“

Chris & Avy R.

“Aries is warm, inviting, vibrant and just an absolute joy to be around. I’m so glad I took the chance on her!”

William B.