Virtual Offerings

Transformative Online Sex Coaching

Sensual online tantric sessions

I invite you to dive into online sex coaching sessions with me, which can incorporate most of the aspects we would explore in my other sessions, such as the in-person tantric massage in Austin Texas as my homebase.

Keep reading to discover the rich universe of embodiment through virtual sensual tantric sessions, whether that’s via video call or phone call.

Face to face video sessions take place on Zoom or Signal. A link to join the session will be sent to you as soon as you complete the booking and payment.

Sensual black woman

These online sex coaching sessions will also bet tailored to your specific intentions, such as:

Are you desiring to explore individual relational coaching to teach you how to communicate and relate better with your intimate partner?

Are you seeking guidance to unravel your own authentic sexual power?

Are you intrigued about exploring a sexual issue that you only would ever want to speak about with a stranger?

Are you and your partner(s) facing intimacy challenges that are difficult to work through?

Do you desire to meet parts of yourself that you have buried, forgotten or been too scared to touch?

Intrigued but shy about venturing into online sex coaching?

Whatever it is you’re desiring, needing, unsure about, my online sex coaching is designed to support and guide you based on what matters most to you in this area of your life.

And believe you me, you’re not the only one facing whatever hurdle that may seem insurmountable right now.

As well, I can serve as a surrogate to help you explore any situations that pique your curiosity and contribute to your sexual empowerment and fulfillment.

Payment is accepted via zelle, venmo, cashapp, or cash.

When you fill out the booking form, you will receive the links that you can send the payment to.

Once I receive your booking, I will email you to confirm the time for your appointment and send you the zoom link for the call.

naked breasts of a black woman offering online sex coaching
1 on 1 video session 

Face to face video session via zoom; coaching, guidance, facilitation, support for you in a relational connection between us. This can also include kink, fantasy or BDSM play.

Note that I reserve the right to ask for age verification (government ID) if I deem it necessary.

1 on 1 phone session

Sensual exploration phone call; I coach, guide, and support you in a relational connection between us. This can include exploring fantasy or BDSM

Age verification required via government ID and a brief ( a few seconds) selfie video


Virtual sessions must be paid for in advance. I accept Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, Paypal or Cash.

Be sure that you have read my cancellation policy.

Need an in-person session?

Are you craving genuine intimacy, touch and connection?

Do you desire to be seen and nourished in the soft gentle arms of the feminine?

Well then, I invite you to immerse yourself in a world where your desires are cherished and your deepest longings are nourished.

Indulge and surrender to exquisite pleasure and freedom in my in-person tantric sessions, including sensual touch and kink, fetish and fantasy exploration.