Raven Aries Tour Schedule

If you’ve seen in elsewhere that I have an upcoming tour to your city, and don’t see it in my booking form yet, go ahead and email me or text me to inquire about early booking.

Can’t wait to meet you!!


Austin, TX 

Home base – always here unless touring! (Back in Austin Jan 13-whenever)


If you’re travelling to Austin TX, confirm a booking with me as soon as you can so that I may consider your travel dates as I plan my own travel.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


Boston, MA

Dec 20, 2024 to Jan 11, 2025

Minimum 90 minute booking

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


Providence, RI

Dec 22, 2024 – Jan 11, 2025

Minimum 90 minute booking

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.



Future dates TBD

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.

Chicago Skyline

Milwaukee, WI

Future dates TBD

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.

Chicago Skyline

San Francisco, CA

Future dates TBA

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


Washington DC

Aug 7-13, 2024

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


Baltimore, MD

Aug 7-13, 2024

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

Miami scaled


Aug 16-19, 2024

Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


Wilmington, DE

Aug 14 – 16, 2024

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.

Houston TX scaled

Houston, Texas


I see those who have confirmed their booking at least a week before my tour start date, since I also use my tour time to visit with friends and family. So it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get a spot if you wait to sneak in a last minute booking.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.

pexels alteredsnaps 11599618

Dallas, TX


Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

San Antonio scaled

San Antonio, Texas

Future tour dates TBA

Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

San Diego1 scaled

San Diego, CA


Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

pexels rdne stock project 8782742

Los Angeles, CA


Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

San Jose1

San Jose, CA


I see those who have confirmed their booking at least a week before my tour start date, since I also use my tour time to visit with friends and family. So it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get a spot if you wait to sneak in a last minute booking.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to book a session.


New Orleans

Future tour dates TBA

Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

kansas city missouri

Kansas City, Missouri

Future dates TBA

Prebooking as soon as you can is highly encouraged, as I schedule the length of my tour based on my prebookings. It also ensures I do not cancel due to too few bookings.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, TX

Future dates TBA

Taking 2 hrs minimum bookings. Tour deposit is 50%.

If you haven’t already, see my tantric offerings and then proceed to pre-book a session.